At Orthopaedics ACT, we understand the idea of surgery can be a daunting one. Our friendly staff will guide you through the process step by step, endeavoring to make the process as smooth as possible for our patients.
For patients having joint replacement surgery, you will be provided with a USB video and booklet outlining everything you need to know prior to your surgery.
Quick Pre-Op Checklist
Ensure you complete all your paperwork.
It is a good idea to have a relative or friend help you check these as it is easy to develop form fatigue.
Make sure you complete any required medical tests,
Such as: blood tests , x-rays, and an ECG 14 days prior to surgery.
Getting yourself as fit as possible prior to your surgery will help aid your recovery.
It can be a good idea to see a physiotherapist as soon as you elect to undertake surgery as they can provide you with a range of pre and post-surgery exercises specific to you.
There is a range of equipment that you may find useful.
We suggest that you organise this prior to your admission.
Items you may consider purchasing or renting could include: an ‘over-the-toilet’ chair, a shower chair, crutches and an extender-hand.
If you require assistance organising this please speak with your surgeon’s PA or one of our nurses.
Arrival at hospital
The hospital will contact you a day or so prior to your admission, confirming the time to arrive and when to fast from.
Returning Home
Your discharge day will depend on many factors and is usually goal orientated. So once you can get in and out of bed independently, shower with minimal assistance, walk using your crutches and manage a few stairs….you are able to go home.
Remember to take home all your belongings, medications that have been dispensed and x-rays.
Remember to organise someone to take you home.
We strongly recommend that someone stay with you for the first few nights.
Key Post Surgery Dates/Milestones
You will have an appointment with your surgeon’s nurse generally 10 to 14 days following surgery to have your wound checked and clips/sutures removed. At this stage you will be doing your exercises at home and attending a rehabilitation program or seeing your own physiotherapist weekly.
At six weeks after surgery you will have an x-ray and an appointment with your surgeon to check you progress.
To maximise the level of your post-operative care, Orthopaedics ACT run a clinic as part of care. Our nurse is available on (02) 6221 9328 if you have any concerns.
Monday to Thursday: 9am to 5pm
Friday: 9am to 2pm