About Orthopaedics ACT
Established in 2013, Orthopaedics ACT brings together the skill and expertise of five orthopaedic surgeons, Podiatrist Emma Readhead and visiting specialists including paediatrics; a pain management specialist; a team of nurses clinically experienced in the area of orthopaedic care; and an experienced team of medical administrators.
Our goal is to provide the opportunity to discuss your issue with a specialist, decide on a pathway of care, and if that involves surgery - to assist you through the process of getting ready for surgery, including support post-surgery.
We don't just fix bones we fix people.
We're committed to providing
Service, which
Is timely, caring and compassionate.
Provides the opportunity for the patient to communicate.
Promotes healthy outcomes.
Provides care that is effective and based on the best available evidence.
Provides continuity of care.
Through consultation with the patient, leads to assessment, an agreed management process and appropriate care.
Education, for
The patient.
The patient’s carer (if applicable).
The medical community, including referring GP’s and other allied health professionals.
Those entering the surgical field of medicine and orthopaedics.
Which respects individual patient rights for privacy and safety.
Ongoing monitoring
and research which is
Complies to international standards.
Positively influences future industry developments.
Proactive management
Provide an effective system for managing patient data.
Demonstrate effective human resource management.
Provide a safe environment for patients and visitors.

Clinical care
Following surgery you will be required to return to our consulting rooms for medical assistance and review. Some of these appointments may be with our orthopaedically trained and experienced Registered Clinic Nurse Peta Jane Yorke.
Peta Jane Yorke, Registered Nurse
Peta began her orthopaedically focused nursing career in Canberra in 1979. She has built her skills in a variety of hospitals both in Australia and internationally. She has held clinical roles in day surgery and recovery. Peta particularly enjoys her role in patient, staff and industry education.